We would like to kindly inform you about the launch of a pioneer research pilot program New Medicine Service in hypercholesterolemia in cooperation with Pharmacy Chain Gemini. The program was developed in accordance with the agreement signed between the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw and Gemini Polska. The aim of the project is to develop and optimize the innovative pharmaceutical service called: New Medicine Service, supporting cooperation between primary care physicians and public pharmacies in Poland. At the beginning of 2021, the Ministry of Health published a report on the development of the pharmaceutical industry for the next 5 years, which presents a number of new pharmaceutical care services that can support the health care system by relieving doctors in the coming years. Hypercholesterolemia is a serious challenge nowadays. Only proper treatment, health monitoring and proper, comprehensive patient care can minimize the effects of this disorder. Patient education is a very important element of maintaining the effectiveness of therapy in hypercholesterolemia. According to the data, approximately 30%-50% of prescribed drugs are not used as prescribed. This means that a significant amount of drugs are not used optimally and treatment is not as effective as expected. The pharmaceutical care service called New Medicine Service, support the patient in regular taking the medicines as prescribed by the doctor for the first time, the treatment is monitored afterwards by the pharmacist.

The aim of the research project is to evaluate the New Medicine Service, which will help patients understand the benefits of taking statins and optimally use the effect of the newly prescribed drug. The service is dedicated to people who have received their first prescription for this group of drugs. As part of the project, guidelines will be created for the implementation of this new pharmacy service. Thanks to the fact that pharmacists are an invaluable line of contact with the patient, their involvement will significantly improve cooperation with family doctors in the field of patient care. Finally, innovative communication tools and system solutions will be developed, which hopefully will become routine solutions in everyday practice, which will significantly improve the quality of care for patients with hypercholesterolemia