During the COVID 19 pandemic, Polish patients have faced lots of drug shortages. One of the ways to improve this situation, was an advice on generic substitution provided by doctors and pharmacists. PPPRN with cooperation with Polpharma S.A. invite all HCP in Poland to complete our survey on the perception of original and generic drugs by doctors and pharmacists. All the issues raised in the survey will help in finding answers, e.g. to the questions whether the form of the drug is important when choosing between the original and generic drug, or whether its price is related to the perception of the effectiveness of pharmacotherapy. We will also check whether the choice between an original and a generic drug depends on the therapeutic group, or whether it is influenced by the opinion of patients. The material collected from the surveys you have completed will be used to develop a broader review of the above-mentioned topic, which may be important in the planning of drug management during a pandemic or other disasters causing drug shortages in the future.
Thank you PPPRN Team!
Survey link: http://badaniawaptekach.pl/index.php?r=survey/index&sid=162864&lang=pl