Badania opieki farmaceutycznej


The Polish Pharmacy Practice Research Network was funded from the need to have evidence informed solutions for the provision of pharmaceutical care. The network supports practice research to assess and improve the quality, outcomes and value of pharmacists’ services to improve medication use, while also building a collaborative and inter-professional research structure to translate its health systems and services research into policy and practice through ongoing knowledge user engagement. The network translates science into practice by connecting the pharmaceutical industry latest developments to patients via the involvement of hospital and community pharmacists at point of care. PPPRN provides pharmacy employees with a professional training, sharing of evidence based clinical practice tools to improve patient care. Distributors and pharmaceutical companies can use PPPRN as a communication channel with community and hospital pharmacies. The Polish Pharmacy Practice Research Network is a coherent combination of the competences of the pharmaceutical industry with the professionalism of pharmacy employees and electronic solutions


The pharmacies have a number of attributes that makes them an excellent setting for research and projects development. They are a highly accessible part of the healthcare system and is staffed by highly trained health care professionals with lots of competencies and skills. The big turnover of patients in the pharmacies makes it possible to reach a great number of patients and collect a lot of data in a relatively short period of time. However, conducting such nationwide research and development projects can be a rather time-consuming process for the pharmacy and can thus require collaboration with other pharmacies and researchers. This will help ensure strong reliable results and better implementation of strategy based on data

Badania opieki farmaceutycznej
In GOd we trust, but we realy on data
The Polish Pharmacy Practice Research Network was established in Poland by a number of highly committed pharmacists’ practitioners scientists and researchers from all around the world with a documented scientific portfolio


The Polish Pharmacy Practice Research Network, by providing innovative solutions and methodology, contributes to expanding the awareness of pharmacists about individual products, supporting the expansion of knowledge and enriching the cooperation of pharmaceutical companies with the pharmaceutical and medical sector.


The Polish Pharmacy Practice Research Network team are specialists with many years of experience in science, and the pharmaceutical industry. Our experts provide the highest level of services related to the development of scientific research in the field of practice research network

Badania opieki farmaceutycznej


Badania opieki farmaceutycznej


By joining The Polish Pharmacy Practice Research Network will help you to gain scientific skills like no other. Can be easily additional role for your everyday pharmacy practice daily routine bringing more engaging roles and improving your personal skills as a researcher. Presenting individual solutions for pharmacy practice, we believe in our ability to improve future of healthcare, and potential to transform you in to practice leaders.
We’re looking for pharmacists willing to join our international community to develop new solutions for pharmacy practice in Poland. You may join us, as an academic researcher, a site for pharmacy practice pilot projects, a pharmacy association, a pharmacy wholesaler or a pharmaceutical industry for promoting good pharmacy practices.


Our pharmacy practice research network supports the implementation of the new paths for further pharmacy practice development, to improve patient care while supporting the current pharmacy business model. The aim is to find practical ways to communicate and to implement evidence-based pharmacy internationally recognized practices in the current pharmaceutical practice polish environment. The main outcomes of interest are clinical, patient, financial and operational. Clinical outcomes aim at optimizing medications therapy while mitigating clinical risks to patients. Patient outcomes aim at improving patient’s adherence and their satisfaction with care. Financial outcomes aim at developing new revenues streams, optimize value-based reimbursement and reducing unnecessary health care costs. Operational outcomes aim at achieving efficiencies with integrated technology (Electronic Health records and pharmacy dispensing system). Our ultimate goal is to gain insight into the evolutionary and developmental roots of pharmacy practice, leading to embracing change in healthcare system based on deploying new pharmacy roles to tackle medical workforce shortages, but also improve business strategies.

Badania opieki farmaceutycznej
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